My words from May 19, 2010:
Today I visited the Tibetan Cultural Center, which was founded by the Dalai Lama’s brother. The Dalai Lama was there just a week ago..sad that I missed him. It’s an amazing place, over 100 acres with a meeting area, temple, and several monuments to the Tibetans who have been killed and oppressed by the Chinese government. I felt rejuvenated after wandering the beautiful grounds, & took a few moments to meditate & say a prayer in the temple. I don’t subscribe to any single religion, I prefer to choose what speaks to me from all of them, but for some reason, I often feel most connected to my spirituality when in Buddhist temples..there, and just out in the forest, in the middle of earth’s beauty. The center had an abundance of both, and it left me with a quiet, mellow sense of inner peace that I haven’t felt in a long time.
Afterwards, [assistant] and I ate at the Snow Lion restaurant, which is owned by the Dalai Lama’s nephew. It’s one of only a few Tibetan restaurants in the US. The food is similar to Chinese, Indian, and Thai, but has its own unique spices and flavors. I try to go there every time I visit Bloomington.
After lunch, we did some shopping downtown, found a Tibetan store, a Fair Trade gifts store, and some other lovely shops. Got lots of goodies for various people. 🙂 All this, in the middle of Indiana. Bloomington is a great town….i could move back here and be happy, I think. Lots to do, great people, and closer to family and the East Coast destinations I’d like to visit more often. But I’d miss the CA weather!
I think I just need to be a Gypsy, load up all my dogs and live in a wagon. I am so much happier on the road, free to go where I want, see who I want, and experience new cities, cultures, and people. I’ve never lived in one place for more than 7 years, never found a place that is truly home. Home is where I am at any moment. Home is being with the people I care about, wherever that may be.