On the Road Again: A Brief Update

White van on a country road.

Hello Readers (if there are any of you left),

This post is just a quick update. I’m doing well, all things considered, and I’m very active online, just not on this blog. I now have other major projects that take up more of my time, which I’ll share with you now so you can follow me there if you wish.

First, some job news. In September 2022, I was laid off from The Mighty after six years. I was devastated, but I was also determined to create a disabled-owned community for people with disabilities. I decided to devote my newly-acquired free time to building a new website: The Ability Toolbox.

For a while, it thrived. I was making a good income and traffic was steadily growing. I was able to pay several writers for their work, which felt great after working for a company that did not value its writers with disabilities. But then in September 2023, Google changed its algorithm and traffic plummeted. I’m still trying to recover the site’s rankings, but in the meantime, I have turned my focus elsewhere.

I’m now co-president of Mobility Aids Lending Library, a 501c3 nonprofit organization that distributes donated canes, walkers, wheelchairs, and other medical equipment to people in need. So many people with disabilities, seniors, and those with injuries are unable to get the mobility equipment they need. We bridge the gap either temporarily while they wait for insurance approval or to recover, or permanently if their insurance won’t pay. We are a small nonprofit, but we are growing because the need is great.

Last but not least, some good news for this blog. I’m starting to travel again! The pandemic put a damper on my excursions, but now I’m getting back out there. My first major trip will be starting next week; I’m going to New York City!

Although I’m looking forward to this trip, it’s also born of necessity as I’m having some major remodeling done on my home. I need to have all my floors replaced because they have asbestos in them. Who knew floors could have asbestos? I didn’t. But apparently, it was a component of glue in the 1950s. So all my dogs have to be boarded elsewhere while trained professionals rip out the floors, seal in any remaining asbestos, and then install tile.

Remodeling is exhausting. Dealing with contractors and workers, schedule changes etc. is very difficult when you have a disability. Fortunately, some of the funding has been covered by Vocational Rehabilitation, but the rest hasn’t been cheap. So after this trip, I probably won’t go anywhere until next year. Still, I’m getting back out there in the world and doing what I love to do, traveling and writing about it!

Thanks to everyone who still stops by to check out this blog. Finally, you’ll be rewarded with more posts soon!

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